To redesign real estate and parking


Our ambitions




"At Idealys, we believe in a city that supports responsible uses. A city that encourages meetings and interactions within its inhabitants, that adapts to their needs and desires, whether individual or collective. A participative, collaborative, eco-responsible and benevolent city.

We design solutions for real estate professionnals so that they can manage and optimize their buildings by increasing their energy efficiency. A true digital infrastructure centralizes all the data in the building to make the right decisions and exploit all the value of their assets.

And within the buildings themselves, for end users, a mobile app gathers home automation, energy management, access control, incident management and parking, as well as a building community platform in order to exchange, help and inform each other, live together and consume better.

These new neighbourhoods that we are building together are the guiding thread of the evolution towards tomorrow’s city. They bring better habits in housing, tertiary, mobility and services to the future generations.

All of these advances are made possible today thanks to digital innovation. Wherever you are, Idealys gives you solutions to make you thrive in tomorrow’s city".

Yves Giglio Michael Lalande


 portrait idealys founders

Our values

Citizens of our dear planet Earth, real estate promoters, union councils and trustees, public authorities… we are addressing you. « Draw me your city! » is a nod to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry The Little Prince, it is an invitation we have been initiating towards you since the beginning of this adventure to imagine your ideal city, so that we can, with you, bring it to life.

Your needs give rise to our services. The projection of tomorrow’s cities is first of all about imagination but also about listening, creativity, reflection… and patience. Patience and constancy so that the most incredible achievements and the most beautiful emotions can be unveiled.

Explorer, creative, benevolent, Idealys has been anticipating tomorrow’s cities needs for years, so that our innovations match your ideal and the ideal of a planet more sustainable and human.

Just like Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's texts, Idealys defends this strong base of solidarity, cooperation and opening, for oneself, for others and for the environment.

Dessine-moi ta ville



Working on smart city opens a deep civic reflection. How to create social cohesion to unite inhabitants and give the neighbourhoods a soul? How to make our cities more sensitive to sustainable development and local consumption? How to facilitate the uses of the individuals who make them up? And how can we support our customers in their transformation towards a sustainable real estate?

We wanted to answer these questions through innovation. In order to promote human bond, but also eco-citizenship, energy awareness, security and the development of new mobilities. So to make our cities collaborative spaces inhabited by benevolent and responsible women and men.




Our mastered technique, as well as our taste for challenge, innovation and avant-garde vision lead us to continuously reinvent ourselves in order to accelerate a digital transformation that creates relationships, capable of bringing new services to the society and the people who form it.

Our teams are currently working on the energy efficiency, with the help of specialized partners. 

idealys partner



Idealys is committed to a real policy of respect for the environment and sustainable development, both in the organization of the company itself and in its products and services through the use it puts forward for citizens. We are strongly committed to the French PropTech movement, to which Michaël Lalande has largely contributed as Co-founder member.

We carry the ideal of a city of tomorrow on a daily basis being bigger, more unified, more sparing and more cohesive; profiting the use of smart digital solutions in offices and housing, while traveling or in everyone's professional life.    


Our CSR policy

10 strong objectives set in our corporate charter



Restricting our energy and paper consumption, sorting out the waste, reducing plastic.



Combining technological innovation with social and environmental stakes.



Respecting established principles and an existing system (recruitment, training courses, promotion, raising awareness).



Optimizing our travel and parking, favouring bike or bus, and electric car.



Buidling an open-minded and inclusive company which promotes exchanges.



Focusing on geographical proximity, limiting intermediaries and consuming according to ethical practices.



Establishing our performance upon specific criterias combining not only costs and prices, but also quality and well-being.



Limiting consumptions and waste of resources, favouring use over possession and over goods.



Knowing how to attract and retain being fully transparent with our collaborators, our candidates, our customers and partners.



Prevention regarding safety and health. Accompanying for well-being.


Our history



Idealys is created. The first contracts are signed with TAM, Enedis, Scheidt & Bachmann.


Laureate of the national Big Data challenge. Along with 4 montpellierain laureates companies, Montpellier Metropolis positions itself as a pioneer in the establishment of an open data and open innovation strategy.



Idealys expands the very first versions of its Smart Building digital platform offer on the market, supported by many real estate stakeholders such as: Kaufman & Broad, Vinci, Pragma-Sogeprom, Nexity, Bouygues, FDI etc.


Idealys takes part in the creation of the French PropTech association, between Montpellier and Nantes, through Michaël Lalande as Co-founder, under the patronage of SERM/SA3M and SAMAO; encouraging the traditional real estate actors to innovate in their development projects.



Launch of the parking spots booking platform interfacing with the parking toll control system. Idealys proposes its Smart Park offer for shared parking.


As part of the supply of a services portal delivery to the Eureka JDZ (Joint Development Zone), ENGIE offers the SERM to spread out the new digital Idealys Smart Services platform.


Mid 2020

More than 30 national PropTech start-ups confirm their wish to settle down their headquarters or agencies in the future totem building which will be located within the JDZ Rive Gauche at the southern entrance of Montpellier, which will almost host 600 employees. Idealys offices will settle there in june 2024!

End of 2020

Idealys has officially more than 30 customers, including the real estate great names. We have established several industrial partnerships and diversified our offers.

End of 2020

End of 2021

We are now approximately 20 collaborators, united by the same desire to give life and soul to our neighbourhoods.

January 2022

Idealys starts the second phase of its business plan, with new growth axis and the internal strengthening of key functions dealing with both national and international expansion of the company.

January 2022

May 2022

Idealys creates the Housing Societal Responsibility.

October 2022

Idealys forms a partnership with OCEA Smart Building, an expert in material equipments for water, heating, energy metering and electric charging.

October 2022

November 2022

Launch of the Odycé offer, which gathers 3 sections: the equipment and infrastructure in order to form the connected building unifying network, the IoT materials, equipments and sensors that will make this one smart, as well as a SaaS software offer providing services to the building for both occupants and professionals.

January 2023

Idealys exceeds 10 000 homes to roll out!

January 2023

March 2023

Idealys is associated with 3 of the 4 “Folies architecturales” unveiled by Michaël Delafosse at MIPIM 2023! The opportunity for Montpellier to shine and confirm the importance it gives to contemporary architecture, but also to operations with innovative uses. And we are very proud of this!

August 2023

Deployment of our latest feature, My Eco-challenges, to commit and act on concrete objectives related to the Housing Societal Responsibility.

August 2023

September 2023

Signature of Idealys' first framework agreements in the residential sector during the 3rd quarter of 2023. We are now making our presence in the tertiary sector concrete in France and Europe.

October 2023

Official opening of the Elithis Arsenal tower in Dijon, the 2nd residential tower with positive energy in the world, in which residents can now benefit from energy consumption monitoring services, including personalized coaching and real-time visualization of this management’s financial impact, as well as our home automation management service, access control, etc.
A huge source of pride for us! 

October 2023

December 2023

Signature at the SIMI trade fair of a partnership between Idealys and Pitch Immo for the equipment of the future Joia Méridia eco-district in Nice. No fewer than 12 buildings and some 800 units, as well as offices and shops, will benefit from the Idealys super-app!

January 2024

Idealys confirms its strategic pivot towards tertiary real estate by signing a framework agreement with CBRE Luxembourg to digitize the management of buildings at the Grand-Duché.

January 2024




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Our financial partners





